.: ancasta ver.billy :.

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: January 17, 2003 : 6:19 a.m. :
: The idiots that run my country :

Politicians suck. They're all snarky shitheads that should be drug into the street and shot. Or they should be forced to experience what they put the American public through.

Bush shipped out a bunch of Marines from Camp Pendelton yesterday. It was on the front page of the paper yesterday. There was a picture of a bunch of Marines getting ready to leave, and a little girl standing by her father, saying goodbye to him. Bush is breaking up families, because he wants to declare war. And if we go to war with Korea and Iraq, well, there goes the economy! Computers: Korea. Cars: Korea. A bunch of other electronics, some of which are things that people depend on to live: Korea. Oil: Iraq. Our gas prices are high enough as it is, because Venezuela won't give us oil anymore. What happens when our other major source gets cut off? Bye-bye economy!

And Bush also wants to get rid of Title IX. For those of you that don't know what this is, it's a thing that says goverment-funded schools and facilities have to put equal amounts of money into both girls' and boys' sports. So if $500 goes to the boy's basketball team, $500 has to go to the girl's basketball team. It's what keeps this shit even. And he wants to get rid of it, saying it's taking opportunity away from male athletes. In what way?!? It's making things equal, that's what it's doing. It's not like they're giving $500 to the boys' teams and $1000 to the girls', or stuff like that. It's equal.

And the governor of California. Gray Davis, idiot of the worst kind. He wants to cut 4 billon dollars of the school budget. The district I'm in is going to lose 4.5 million. We don't have enough books, teachers, classrooms, or supplies as it is. In my largest class, there's something like sixty students. My smallest class has 34. The school can't afford to buy sports equipment, new instruments, books, any of it. We barely have enough textbooks, and if the budget cut goes through any time soon, I'll have to carry my textbooks back and forth to school. And my backpack already weighs more than a fourth of what I do. When I took my textbooks to England, because I had to do an independent study contract while I was there, the bag they were in weighed nearly 50 pounds. Take out my shoes and my down jacket, which didn't weigh that much, and it was probably about 45 pounds. And what's 45 plus 30? 75 pounds. That's how much my backpack will weigh if I have to take my textbooks to school next year. That's only 25 or so pounds less than I weigh. I'll have even more back problems than I already do. My best friend has arthritis. She won't be able to move after a week.

Stupid idiot politicans.

But anyways. Got to go eat breakfast. I'll rant more later.


.: anticus :: recessim :.

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Days until Bush leaves office.
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