.: ancasta ver.billy :.

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diary � ancasta
design �
funky monkey
different photos, cropped, resized, recoloured and played with to suit our needs.
"the cramps" font


: January 13, 2003 : 12:01 p.m. :
: Birthday Part I... :

I'm updating! Finally!

Okay. My birthday ws on Friday, as a lot of people probably know. It was an interesting day, to say the least.

I do my normal thing in the morning, get up, check my e-mail, get dressd, etc.

So after eating breakfast, I go back upstairs for a bit, to get my trainers and check my computer before I have to turn AIM off and go to school. So I turn on my AIM, and (suprise!) Bradley's on. I talk to him for a bit, he wishes me happy birthday, etc., and then I have to log off to go to school.

So I drag my happy ass to school, and everything's pretty normal. First period is fun, because Bryce and Kandyce both sing Happy Birthday to me, so that's cool. After that is CORE, and normally that would be fine, except I've gone from feeling a little oogy to feeling like utter shit. So I'm on auto-pilot for most of the class, and then the Vice Principal comes on the intercom, and tells us we're doing an earthquake drill. So we have to do the stupid 'go under your desk and cover your neck' thing. Well, my knee is still pretty stiff, so going under my desk for five minutes is absolute agony. After that, we have to go out to the basketball courts for our fire drill, and the teachers are making us rush, so I have to walk quickly without making my knee hurt anymore than it does. So I'm limping along, and Britany keeps stepping on the back of my feet. So finally I turn around and go, 'what? Am I invisible? Stop bloody stepping on my feet!' She acts all snotty at me, so I just go, 'shut up,' and she finally leaves me alone.

After that, we go back to the classroom, and I ask Mrs. Carpenter if I can go to the nurse, because my throat really hurts. Even though I sound and look like shit, she says, 'you need to go sit down and do your work. I can't send people to the nurse all the time.' I'm all like, 'fine, I'll go at lunch,' so I sit down, do my work. Boring as hell stuff, just reading stuff for my report, and then the bell rings. I go to the nurse, she takes my temp and stuff, and calls Mum, so she can come get me.

So once I get home, I check my e-mail really quick, and then crawl into bed, because I'm asolutely freezing, and I end up falling asleep and sleeping for a few hours. Which is good.

So then I jut hang out on my computer for a bit, and then it's sushi time! We go out for sushi, have a lot of fun, and I end up going to bed not long after we get home. Ended up flooding the boards with Pau, which was fun.

But that was Friday. More later, probably after school... the bell's going to ring soon. I kinda want to go to the nurse, 'cause I ain't feeing wonderful, but I kinda have to go to Science. Eh... I'll have to figure that out. But anyways. Au Reviour! (Yes, my spelling sucks. Shaddup.)


.: anticus :: recessim :.

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