.: ancasta ver.billy :.

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diary � ancasta
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funky monkey
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: January 09, 2003 : 11:50 a.m. :
: Randomness again.... :

Posting from school again... Not much to ramble about, so I'll jump right into Day's Events so far.

First Period: Er... boring, really. Did a lot of catching up on our Festival peices, because I've had about three weeks less practice than everyone else. I still kicked ass on Cello Rondo, though. My vibrato is getting really good. Mehein still can't play vbrato at all, so I can gloat. ; )

Second Period: Same old, same old. We did English Workshop, which was harder than I expected it to be. I need to work on the eight parts of speech more... But after that, we did SSR, and I read about three pages of the Simillaron before my head started to hurt from it. So I pulled out a notebook and started working on Niyati's history a bit while pretending to read. I actually got quite a bit of it done. She's turning out to be very different from how I first imagined her, and I'm not sure if that's good or bad. She'll probably get in, as Toni likes non-human charries, but who knows.

Period Three: Same as above, really. We worked on the eight parts of speech a bunch, and I worked on Niyati more, briefly considered working on Draigh and Briana. Didn't get to it, though. I'll have to do that when I get home...

Period Four: A little bit more of the above, and also some research on our Islam project. My topic is art, so I had grabbed a book on Hinduism, and a few other books just about the Middle East in general. I had been reading the book on Hinduism, and it kind of intriuged me. It's actually a very interesting religion. One of those things I kinda want to learn more about.

Lunch: Lunch was... odd. For the most part it was just me, Bryce, and Nikole, so it was actually a lot of fun. We went over to the vending machines, and were joking around and being silly, and we went to get some crisps, and so were standing in line for the vending machine, when this girl goes, 'Hey, ya'll just cut in front of us, and we were before all of you.' Briyce was like, 'uhm, no, we were here first,' and I was like, 'yeh.' The girl goes like 'Whatever, dumbass bitch,' and so I'm like, 'Bugger off, it's not like it's the snack bar and you have to wait almost all lunch,' and then got my crisps. Nikole says something kinda stupid and the girls are all like, 'ya'll are f-ing morons,' and so I'm like, 'shut up, you stupid bitch. No one asked you.' so one of the girls, Morgan, goes, 'i get straight A's, Noel,' in this particularly disdainful voice, and I'm like, 'whatever,' and I go and get a gatorade. So we're sitting there, pretty much being idiots, and I'm chucking crisps (3-D Doritos, Jalopeno Cheddar Flavour,) at Bryc and Nikole, and were just being stupid. Then Bryce starts singing one of his many stupid songs, just as I've taken a drink of Gatorade. I snort and end up spraying Gatorade everywere, and for some reason, Nikole finds this incredibly amusing. She starts laughing too, which just makes me laugh more, and I've discovered that laughing while eating Doritos and Gatorade is not the most pleasant thing in the world. My throat hurts more now... so now my knee hurts and my throat hurts. T_T

But anyways... got to finish this up, as the bell is going to ring soon, and then I have to go to maths. Blarg... hopefully I can refrain from homicide.

Until Next Time,


.: anticus :: recessim :.

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