.: ancasta ver.billy :.

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funky monkey
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: January 08, 2003 : 7:41 p.m. :
: An odd day... :

And she updates! YAY!

Today was odd. I woke up, and I could barely breathe, my throat was so clogged up. It wasn't all that swollen, but it was enough that Mum let me stay home. I instantly fell back asleep, and got another two hours sleep, only waking up again because Mum comes into my room with the psycho cat:

because the new appliances are here, and she needs to be locked up in my room. So I try and go back to sleep, decide that there's no point in trying to go back to sleep, and so get on my computer to check my email. I have a ridiculous amount of e-mail for only being away from my computer for about 10 or so hours, so I cruse through that, replying to a few posts, and skimming through everything else. Then, Mum comes back with the cat's food, which she instantly attacks, and then jumps back on to my bed. I ignore her, like I normally do, and am talking to Rosa-bear, when I suddenly hear the cat making gagging noises. And then the cat throws up on my bed. So I yell out my door for Mum to come get the cat, and then the cat throws up on my floor. Mum comes and gets the cat, and puts her in a different room. So I talk to Rosa for a bit, and then I log off to go get something to eat. I end up not getting something to eat, but I stay downstairs for a bit. I'm doing this thing to clear out the water line on the fridge, and I go to dump the water in the sink, and splash it all over my foot. The one that's in a cast, of course. So Mum calls Kiaser, and they tell us to go to Zion so that I can get my cast changed. Mum is going 'like hell they're going to put another bloody cast on!' so whoever it is she's talking to tells us to drive down and they'll try and fit us in. So we drive down. Once we get there, the cast technician is like, 'well, there's no fracture clinic today, so I'll just have to put another cast on.' Mum acts like a total bitch, and so the chick goes scurrying off to find another doctor to get my leg looked at. She finds one, cuts my cast off, and then sends me to x-ray. They x-ray my leg, and then send me to another room, so that I can wait. The doctors lose me, and then find the room I'm in again. So this chick comes in, with my x-rays, and sees if I'm having any pain where the break was, and sees if I can stand on it okay. Guess what? No more cast! WHOOHOO!!!!

Er... anyways. So I got to have a decent shower (gods my leg was nasty...), and walk around like a normal human being! YAY!!! My knee is still having issues with the bend-unbend thing, but it's getting better. When I first walked on it, my leg was going, 'uhm, what are you doing?'

So that was my day, in condensed form... I should probably wrap this up anyways, as Dad is on his way home with PIZZA! And by the time I'm done eating, either Bradley or PauPai will have logged on. Pau logging on will be a good thing, because I feel like posting. We normally flood the boards about this time... it's fun!

Anyways. Bbai!

Until Next Time,


.: anticus :: recessim :.

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