
Ishty - 2004-01-06 22:34:28
Ricky's an asshole. If I had the energy to yell at him for you, I would. And, you do so know stuff about drums, I've made sure of it. So, ignore him.
Haiku-Queen - 2004-01-09 15:48:10
I'm also starting an aquarium and my fish casualty count is worse than yours. You may find this site,, helpful. I'm tempted to change all the water in my tank too but I've been resisting since I have two dozen baby guppies and they're doing just fine as well are the three cory cats. But I will tell you this, the medication called QuickCure should be changed to QuickKill. It hasn't cured any sick adult fish and instead has only hastened their demise. I think putting the plants back in your tank should be okay but keep the gravel out. I hardly have any gravel in mine now after I saw how much debris and uneaten food it trapped. Keep posting about your aquarium--I'd like to know how it turns out.

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