
Mummy - 2003-12-05 19:40:17
Gods, I am so proud of you. You are smart, funny, and so much more. I am proud of you in ways that Bri will never understand, because face it, the girl is a complete moron. How anyone gets to the 8th grade without being able to spell basic words is beyond me.
Jessica - 2003-12-05 21:20:16
Hey, I read your diary when you update and stuff and I just was in a bad mood anyway so i took it out on your person that's annoying... here's what I left her: 1 Comment dude you're a gay faggot and leave noelle alone stop making bullshit about nothing just get on with your own life and stop fucking with other people who hate you already. no one likes you, so shut up. Posted 12/5/2003 at 9:00 PM by Listen2CKY17
desideroso - 2003-12-06 07:42:16
god, why can't people spell?!?!?! the simple fact, noelle dear, is that people who don't understand the way we feel will never understand. i'm lucky enough that only the people that matter to me know that i have problems; the others don't care to know and would surely react the same way. i acted much like you when i was your age; my mom (one of the people who doesn't know) was driven up the wall with my "attitude problem" she says...but now i'm older and mostly in control of it and i don't care who reads my diary or what they think about me. You just keep walking through life and get by the best you can.
des - 2003-12-06 07:44:08
oh and PS-you are a good person. i wish you updated more so i could know more about you (besides what i pick up from intuition and your mum:) ) but you are a very cool person and things will get better, promise.
Ishty - 2003-12-07 16:36:44
Skittle, people can be sooo stupid, but don't let it get to you. Oh, and Jessica, don't go calling people faggots. A faggot is the bundles of wood that people used to use to burn witches at the stake. During that era, they were also anti-homosexuality (which there is absolutly nothing wrong with) and it was determined that the human body was a good source of fuel for fire. Body tissue burns really well. So, instead of putting wood on the fire for executions, they'd put homosexuals, hence the term 'faggot' in referance to homosexuals.

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