.: ancasta ver.billy :.

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diary � ancasta
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funky monkey
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: December 20, 2003 : 11:41 a.m. :
: ranting and laughing. yay! :

Hmm. this interests me. 20 years ago, we were allied with Saddam Hussein- and now he is found hiding in a hole, from his former allies.

Maybe he /is/ a war criminal. He most definitely was a dictator. But here�s something you probably don�t know: (Thanks to Mark Morford of the SF Gate- find the full editorial here.)

By the way, from Bush Sr. forward (and, yes, that includes Clinton), the U.S. has to date killed far, far more Iraqi civilians than Saddam ever could. Along with the United Kingdom, we've been bombing Iraq almost nonstop for the past decade. Not to mention the more than half a million Iraqi children who've died from lack of medicine or decent health care since the brutal, U.S.-backed U.N. sanctions were imposed 12 years ago. Shhh.


And what does 90% of the idiots in the country do? They ignore these facts:

Innocent children died. Innocent children that could have had a future- /because/ of what Hussein was doing for his country. He was a dictator, yes. He was running a Communist/socialist society that wasn�t exactly perfect, yes. But it was /working/. Iraqi citizens that will never have a chance under the regime that is surely going to come into power- they could have had a chance.

More than 500 US soldiers have been killed; 2500+ have been wounded. More than 10,000 Iraqi soldiers are dead, and countless innocent Iraqi citizens are dead.

In the first days of war, a hell of a lot more innocent people died by our hands than those that were killed by- hey- non-Iraqi terrorists in the WTC attacks.

There are 25 other heads of state out there, unafraid of us- and those are the dangerous guys. Not Hussein.

Somewhere in /his/ hidey hole, Bin Laden is cheering too. Because he hated Hussein!

Somewhere, there are more terrorists being trained by the Al Queda; more children are being taught to hate us.

And in my opinion, they have perfectly good reason to.

We�ve gone from the days of being an actually respectable country- to this.

To a country where it may become perfectly legal to treat gays and lesbians like second-class citizens.

To a country where people protest a woman�s right to choice- see Gee Dubya�s ban on �partial-birth� abortion*; picket lines on abortion clinics; and in my favourite example, the following quote from Jennifer Taylor of the anti-abortion Human Life International: Women who use emergency contraception show an "inability to control themselves in sexual situations." Excuse me? A broken condom- that�s because the woman couldn�t �control herself�? Failed birth control? And where I take the biggest offence is here: many women who use emergency contraception use it because they were raped. So suddenly, a woman is raped because she can�t control herself in a sexual situation? Great. Yeah. Glad to know that I�m a survivor of incestuous rape, because I couldn�t control myself.

I could go on and on, but it�s 10:34 pm and my brain is beginning to fuzz.

And I believe I just died laughing.



*falls over*

JoeCanadian152: can I hold an Alex post hostage for a Nia post?

LotRGrl02: nope.

JoeCanadian152: would it work?

LotRGrl02: nope.

JoeCanadian152: k, then I won't attempt to show that kind of self control

LotRGrl02: okay. ^__^

JoeCanadian152: it's too hard

LotRGrl02: *snorts*

LotRGrl02: you said hard... tee hee...

JoeCanadian152: circumcised

JoeCanadian152: masterbation

JoeCanadian152: cock

JoeCanadian152: penis

LotRGrl02: *dies laughing*

JoeCanadian152: blow job

LotRGrl02: rotflma

LotRGrl02: ...o

LotRGrl02: *dies*

JoeCanadian152: *rolls eyes*

JoeCanadian152: you're worse than Earl

*Hah hah. Very funny. Need I say there is no such thing? It�s called LATE TERM, not partial birth, and it was only legal for use in emergency situations /anyways/.

.: anticus :: recessim :.

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